Make Your Voice Heard:
3 Ways to Make Your Voice Heard and show how short-term rentals help support our families, jobs, local neighborhood businesses, and the City’s growth.
#1) Attend and speak at the next STRAC meeting:
There are opportunities for public comment at these meetings and it is important for your voice to be heard. We will be monitoring how STRAC will be accomodating public comment in the COVID environment and will share what we learn.
Upcoming STRAC (Short-Term Rental Advisory Committee) Meetings:
- The April STRAC meeting has been canceled
- Tuesday, June 9
- Tuesday, August 11
- Tuesday, October 13
- Tuesday, December 8
#2) Speak at City Council Meetings:
Denver City Council meetings take place twice a month on the first and third Monday. Each speaker gets three minutes to speak. All details can be found here. If you are interested in learning more and getting involved please email The Denver City Council is making decisions week by week during the COVID crises on whether to allow public comment, so please refer to their web page for that information.
#3) Schedule Coffee with your City Council Member:
Email and we will help you schedule a 1:1 appointment with your city council member. They are happy to meet with you as this is part of their responsibility as representatives of us all. These meetings can be via phone or virtual meetings (e.g. Zoom, Facetime, etc).